Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tarnished Halos and Pure Wisdom

"Listen. Don't listen to me, LISTEN." ~ Butterfly, The Last Unicorn 

We are far too quick in this society to discard wisdom in favor of focusing on a tarnished source. We feel we have to stop listening to our spiritual leaders when they commit an act of darkness. 

Don't fall into that trap! 

I know it's baffling, disappointing, and embarrassing to you when your hero's halos slip. To be angry is a natural response. You are not wrong in any of your feelings. 

But don't be hasty and throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is more to learn. 


Sometimes "Do as I say, not as I do," is very wise advice for you to follow. There have been clergy, great humanitarians, and Lightworkers that I resonated very strongly with and admired greatly as shining examples of enlightenment...only to watch a scandal erupt of tax fraud or adultery. 

Does that mean the wisdom they spoke of previously that touched my heart so deeply was not true?

Martin Luther King Jr. had extra-marital affairs. 

Does that invalidate the civil rights work he did? 

I've heard amazingly profound, selfless, and compassionate advice from the mouths of criminals. 

Does recognizing that they have this insight mean that I am discounting the harm they have caused? 

Every person is on their own path to follow in life and make their own mistakes and reap their own karma. This is not your problem. 
It's OK to step back and say, "I know this person acted immorally and I don't condone it or intend to follow their example...but when you're right, you're right." 

Do not be afraid you were deceived by your heart. Your heart's guidance didn't fail. They did. They will take the consequences of their actions.

The nice thing about the truth is that it remains the truth no matter who says it. 

You were born wise enough to recognize what is true and what is not. Trust your heart. There is no finer B.S. meter that has ever been made. It was calibrated to perfect accuracy the day you were born and will remain that way. It is you who need to refine your skill in understanding it's readings. 

Listen to the message, not the source. That is your priority.

Listen. Listen. Listen quickly!

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